Dialogue and Universalism issues are delivered free online, i.e., in electronic copies,
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for institutions — 70 euros.
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All correspondence concerning the subscription should be sent to the Dialogue and Universalism office: dialogueanduniversalism@ifispan.waw.pl
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email: agnieszka.morawska@arspolona.com.pl
Electronic copies are available at 12 euro (single issue), 25 euro (annual subscription).
One may order them by contacting via emails the Dialogue and Universalism office: dialogueanduniveralism@ifispan.waw.pl
The subscription of the electronic copies of Dialogue and Universalism and single issues orders are also provided by the Philosophy Documentation Center. Contact: leaman@pdcnet.org
Single papers as electronic copies as well as single electronic issues are also available in:
Central and Eastern European Online Library; see: info@ceeol.com